A transaction did not go through. What happened?

Written by Martin J. Maddox
Updated 3 years ago

Sometimes a transaction may return an error or appear confirmed but then not go through. If you tried several times and faced the same results, this guide will offer steps that can help you identify and fix the issue.

Good news: you can not lose your tokens if a transaction failed. It just means everything remains as it was on your account.

Failed transactions can be caused by a number of reasons of which 4 are by far the most common.

1. Node connectivity issues.

Tezos is a rapidly growing ecosystem and sometimes nodes can be overloaded. This may slow down interactions with the node to the point when balances do not update correctly and transactions are unable to queue. 

Solution: Try again a little bit later. Alternatively, you may switch to a different node manually in your wallet.

2. Abrupt exchange rate changes.

When a certain LP is very small and there are several transactions initiated simultaneously, tokens’ exchange rate may change drastically in between the moment you have confirmed the transaction and the moment it’s completed. 

Solution: Trying again later always helps. Alternatively, you may increase slippage which will allow a transaction to be more tolerant to price changes.

3. Pool is too small for your transaction.

If you are trying to exchange a large volume of assets in a really small LP, your transaction will likely fail. According to DEX’s rules, you may not swap more than 30% of the pool's volume in a single transaction. 

Solution: Decrease the sum you are trying to swap accordingly.

4. No XTZ remains in your wallet to pay the fee.

Transactions in Tezos ecosystem cost gas. If you're trying to swap all of your XTZ, not leaving some for fees or if you don't have XTZ altogether, transaction will fail.

Solution: Get some XTZ to pay your fees.

5. Too high Trading activity 

Sometimes is too high trading activity and your transaction hasn't been added to the block. It would help if you tried to perform the transaction again or try your sending attempt a little later. We are looking for solutions to fix scalability issues of our DEX.

Solution: Try to conduct a swap a little bit latter.

If you encountered any problems, feel free to ask your questions in our telegram or discord communities.

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