How to use Temple's dapp section

Written by Martin J. Maddox
Updated 3 years ago

The dapp section contains a list of dapps that exist within the Tezos network. In the upper part of the screen [1] we present promoted (whitelisted) dapps. You can also check TVL (total value locked) within Tezos protocols both in xtz and $ equivalent [2]

Scroll down to access the full list of existing dapps [3] or use the search field [4] to quickly skip to the dapp you're looking for. 

Each dapp entry [3] also has relevant hashtags attached to it for your ease of searching and TVL figures for your reference. Clicking an entry will take you straight to the dapp's site.

Not all dapps listed here are whitelisted and vetted by the team. Always do your own research.

If you have other questions, please feel free to ask them in our telegram or discord communities.

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