The list of the transaction statuses: errors and explanations

Written by Martin J. Maddox
Updated 2 years ago

This article describes the most common transaction statuses and explanations for the Temple errors.

  • 1. "Failed" Status

Transaction failed with some particular error: not enough balance, gas limit, etc.

  • 2. "Pending" status for more than several minutes.

This problem indicates that the Tezos node hasn't included this transaction in the blockchain block.  

It might happen for many reasons. Some of them are:

- Sometimes the Tezos node lags and can't synchronize the current transaction fee with other nodes. So, this node provides a low transaction fee estimation for the transaction, and bakers don't want to include this transaction in the block. Usually, this transaction fails after some time. 

- The Tezos Node Stuck/Failed. In this situation, the node does not even inform other network participants about the existence of this pending transaction.  As a result, this transaction doesn't exist for the blockchain, and you don't see it in the explorer block.

How to solve this issue?

Almost 99% that your pending transaction will fail, so you should not wait and perform a transaction again. 

If you can't conduct a second operation, please do following steps:

1) Try to reload a browser or clear a Browser cache

2) Try to switch your Temple wallet account to another Node.  

First option should fix cache issues, the second one - a possible issue with the node.

If nothing helps, write us in the Telegram and provide the next info: your browser, operating system, which node do you use, the screenshot with the error.

  • "Transaction backtracked"

Usually happens for batched transactions when one of the transactions failed, so the others get backtracked, and you see backtracked status for the transaction in your wallet. 

Why does it happen? The main reason is that crucial transaction details became irrelevant, and the Tezos Node refused to execute this transaction.  As we know, every new Tezos block is created in 30 sec, and during this time - transaction conditions may be changed.  Despite the fact that a transaction failed - you will pay a transaction fee, because Node evaluated this batched transaction.

What to do? Unfortunately, not too much. You need to repeat the desired operation a little bit later. 

  • "Skipped" transaction

This status is usually applied to the batched transactions; when one failed, others get skipped statuses. 

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