Where can I see QuipuSwap statistics?

Written by Martin J. Maddox
Updated 2 years ago

All information about current trading activities you may find here:


Also, you may check the following information:

1. DEX Volume, unique accounts, contracts list: https://better-call.dev/dapps/quipuswap

2. The alternative source of the statistic information you may find on tzkt.io

List of FA2 Contracts. Size of the Pool, who is a delegator, token price, price dynamic:  https://tzkt.io/KT1SwH9P1Tx8a58Mm6qBExQFTcy2rwZyZiXS/contracts

List of FA1.2 Contracts. Size of the Pool, who is a delegator, token price, price dynamic:


In order to check the price and price dynamic. Open a token smart-contract and choose a DEX section:

Popular Pools. Size, Token price, Dynamics:

kUSD: https://tzkt.io/KT1K4EwTpbvYN9agJdjpyJm4ZZdhpUNKB3F6/dex

tzBTC: https://tzkt.io/KT1WBLrLE2vG8SedBqiSJFm4VVAZZBytJYHc/dex

wXTZ: https://tzkt.io/KT1W3VGRUjvS869r4ror8kdaxqJAZUbPyjMT/dex

STKR: https://tzkt.io/KT1BMEEPX7MWzwwadW3NCSZe9XGmFJ7rs7Dr/dex

USDtz: https://tzkt.io/KT1WxgZ1ZSfMgmsSDDcUn8Xn577HwnQ7e1Lb/dex

ETHtz: https://tzkt.io/KT1Evsp2yA19Whm24khvFPcwimK6UaAJu8Zo/dex

3. Info about each Pool in QuipuSwap:

Visit the "Liquidity" section, choose a Token pool, See info about this pool

4. Info how much you may get for your LP tokens, you may find in the Liquidity tab:

Choose the Liquidity Tab, click "Remove", Choose your pool and enter the number of your shares. After these actions, you will the estimated value of your tokens.

5. Info about APY

You may find info about APR/APY on pages that propose staking and farming.

6. If you are familiar with coding, you may get other info about QuipuSwap from the Tezos blockchain.

The list of our contracts you may find here https://better-call.dev/dapps/quipuswap

7.  Resources created by our community members (Not audited by us):

  • Tez pool Analytical tool:


  • DeFi tokens QuipuSwap price lists:



As we mentioned before, a page with other statistical information will be introduced in the second version of QuipuSwap. We ask you to bear with us and wait for the release.

If you have other questions, please feel free to ask them in our telegram or discord communities.

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