How to migrate an external wallet to the Temple wallet

Written by Martin J. Maddox
Updated 3 years ago

Temple wallet has many great advantages such as support for all FA1.2 and FA2 tokens, interaction with dApps, ability to elect delegates, and much more. So if you want to start using Temple but already have a wallet, this instruction will help you export your wallet from another app to Temple.

What is a cryptocurrency wallet?

A simple cryptocurrency wallet contains pairs of public and private cryptographic keys. The keys can be used to track ownership, receive or spend cryptocurrencies. Your tokens are stored on the blockchain but you can access them by using your private key. A wallet, in this case, is just a user-friendly interface that helps you interact directly with the blockchain: get access to the tokens, encrypt information, sign transactions.

By exporting a wallet we basically mean exporting your private key from your old wallet and using it to get access to your funds via the Temple wallet.

There are two types of keys you may find in your old wallet: Private and Public keys. You need the Private Key.

Some wallets provide not a key but a Seed Phrase (Mnemonic Phrase). Seed Phrase is a specific combination of keywords that are used to get access to your wallet. People can better memorize phrases than long strings of symbols. If you made a mistake in writing down a Seed phrase, you are more likely to find this mistake and recover your access to the wallet. But you need to remember that under the hood the wallet converts this phrase into your private key.

The Temple wallet can restore access to your funds via a Seed Phrase or a Private key.

  • Read how to restore your Fundraiser account
  • In case your wallet uses a combination password+seed phrase to generate a private key, you need to provide both your seed phrase and password. Read more about this in this article.

Where can I find my Private key or my Seed Phrase?

Developers may hide your private key or Seed Phrase in different locations in the app. Here is a list of wallets and where they store your private keys.

Airgap and Kukai

Unfortunately, you can not export your wallet from Airgap or Kukai by default. However, when you were creating your account in these wallets, you were given a Seed Phrase. If you have access to this Seed phrase, you can import it to the Temple wallet and restore access to your funds.


You can find your Private key in the Options tab on the main application screen.


In the Galleon wallet tap on the Key icon next to the Manager address on the main screen and choose the Secret Key field.

Magma Mallet

Log into your Magma Wallet account. Go to Settings on the main screen. Tap the Show Recovery Phase button.

Attention! important details!

The first Magma version of the wallet has a bug that makes it impossible to export your wallet because of the wrong provided credentials.

The last Magma update changes the way of exporting your wallet. For newer generated accounts you might need to use “Default account” option. After import It will use m/44'/1729'/0'/0' as default in the derivation path.


To export your private key from Exodus Wallet, you need to open the Exodus app and log into your account. Next you'll need to click the Backup tab and then the View Secret Phrase button on the main screen.

As an alternative way of Exporting wallet from Exodus, use a private key:

Open Exodus, find Tezos, click Settings, choose "View Private Keys". 

In the created Temple account, Click the Robot Icon, choose the Import account tab and Import via Private Key:

Add your private Key from Exodus.

Atomic wallet

Log in the Atomic wallet. Click on the Settings tab and then on the Private Keys button on the main application screen.

In other wallets:

Check Settings, Backups, Options tabs.

How to add this Private Key (and/or Seed Phrase) to the Temple Wallet?

If you don't have a Temple Wallet account yet, please download the Temple wallet extension from the Chrome store or Firefox.

After installing the Temple extension you will get to the start page where you can Import your Wallet or Create a new one. Please click the Import existing Wallet.

If you still have issues with importing your account please check this article.

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